around the house


Our first day back at our new homeschool routine saw eager students and excitement about the novelty of everything.  Already on Tuesday, though, there were grumbles and heels dug in deep over lessons.  By Friday, everyone was in tears at least once during the day, and I wanted to shout "Uncle!"  How is it that Friday’s failures so completely overshadowed Monday’s successes? It would be so, so easy to blame the sticky hot weather and the lack of central AC, or our exhaustion from a late night.  Those definitely played a part in our terrible moods, but I think weather, fatigue, and grouchiness are part of a larger picture, one that’s not going away anytime soon.  We’re learning some valuable lessons in patience, diligence, self-control, and perseverance. Or maybe those lessons are just meant for me!  :)  We’re all participants in the Grand Work of salvation together, and my small part, right here and right now, is to cultivate an attitude of joy and gratitude even on the days when I want to growl.  It’s easy to write, but infinitely harder to put into practice.

Anyway, this week I toured the house, taking little snapshots of our life NOW.  Tools in a 12 year-old’s bed.  A dog needing major surgery. T took that one of me knitting, turning the camera askew and chortling at his cleverness.  My bookmark collection. Next year’s planner.*  Bookstacks. Hand-me-down Legos.  (The toys the littles love these days all have umpteen pieces, which is slowly causing my insanity, as I find yet another Lego stud in my knitting or, worse, in my bed.  I keep such toys around only because the littles play so deeply with them!) Yarn. A new worktable, built by my husband and sons. Violets, blooming for the third time! Books being read. A little house, complete with one exhausted mama slumped over the homeschooling table. New school shoes and clothes for a three-year-old who squeals appreciatively over such things.  Water samples for a biology unit.

* I pre-order my planners because they tend to sell out.  I am finishing my second year of using the Midori MD Monthly/Weekly A5 planner.  I LOVE them and wish I had found this analog system much sooner.  I use it as my planner, journal, commonplace book, and photo album. Pictured are my first year(2017), my second year (2018, in its leather cover) and 2019. 


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