Neglect not the girl

Despite the lack of posts detailing the projects I've made for Z this fall, she has received her fair share of sewing love.  Her vertical growth continues at an astonishing pace, so I was astounded one Sunday morning to discover that she had nothing long enough to wear to church.  My length "requirements" aren't too modest, but when one can see fanny during metanoias, it's time to look at the wardrobe.

I made this jumper (and yes, it looks very "homeschool") using a combination of patterns from this book and this book.  The pattern on the corduroy was a compromise, something I am willing to do to ensure that a handmade item gets worn--which it has been.  The details of the bodice would show up much better with a solid fabric.  The gathers at the bottom get lost in all of the flowers.


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