
Joining Ginny today to share some knitting and reading...

I just finished Know and Tell, which has been immensely instructive for me.  While I have read Charlotte Mason’s works, I still have questions about how to implement some of her methods as well as what my expectations should be for different ages and abilities.  I’m continuing to mull over all of the different things I’ve gleaned from this book!  As we start our fall break next week, I’m hoping for a few minutes of peace so that I can revisit the book.

I’m almost finished with the body of my littlest’s Paulette tunic.  She’s so excited to see me working on it, that I am really pushing to finish soon.  My friend sent me a darling little handmade knitting pouch, which she found at a yarn shop near her new house.  Wasn’t that so kind of her?

My sister’s blanket is a little over the halfway mark!  I try to devote at least an hour each night to working on it, which yields maybe 4 to 6 rows?  It’s slow going, but totally mindless.  My goal is to present it at Christmas.  After that, I’ll need to focus on something else for her--something I’ll share more about when I get started.  My sister is getting lots of knitting love in 2018 and 2019!


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