an impossible thing

I get a lot of questions from people about our move.  They mean well; they care.   My answers answers.  It's such an impossible thing to do what we're doing: fixing up and painting the our old, shabby (but wonderful and beloved!) house, packing, saying good-byes, saying hellos, finding a new, cozy home.  We don't have dates or plans, except the hope that we'll be totally settled by the start of the new school year.  The cards are stacked against us, between interest rates, a slow market, and an abrupt increase in the cost of living between our old and new locations, but we don't need pity and I'm not complaining.  

The impossibility is a gift.  

Everything, and I mean just about everything pertaining to our transition, is out of our control, and my trust is in the Lord.  


May it be blessed, and to Him be the glory!


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