
The snow and ice and illness this winter have forced us to revel in all sorts of indoor comforts. We've knitted, sewed, quilted, played games, listened to all sorts of audiobooks, and had many a candlelit dinner. The kids have tromped through the snow and ice in our backyard and sipped hot vanilla* to warm their frigid hands. They've fallen through ice (to their knees), come home dripping and muddy, and dug tunnels in the snowplow drift in front. Little M's friend down the street has made a giant snowball he's trying to keep until May. I think it might last!
And that the snow has melted, I have been checking our front beds to see if any of the hundreds of bulbs I planted last spring and fall are sending forth shoots. Today I saw the barest hint and did a little dance. It's been a long wintry winter!
With Influenza A and Christmas and dance competitions and Influenza B and cozy time at home and stitches and a broken arm, we've been busy bees even if the blog has been dormant. And apparently my camera has likewise been hibernating since October, so I have to rely on poor phone photos or ones I've slurped from the internet.
I spent most of January re-reading this book and laminating my Mother's Rule. Officially, I have daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal chores to do. Realistically, I struggle to maintain the pace I've set for myself!
My prison memoir phase officially ended as I read the last words of The Gulag Archipelago, Volume III. Currently my reading is a bit eclectic while I decide my next theme: Paradise Lost (with Hillsdale Lectures), 1984, Someone at a Distance, The Forsyte Saga, and The Timeless Way of Building. I really enjoyed Someone at a Distance and read it in conjunction with The Buccaneers (a re-read and favorite of my teenage years); I appreciated the contrast between depictions of infidelity and found Someone at a Distance to be the far more realistic of the two. My oldest and I got into a micro debate about which is better: Brave New World or 1984. I preferred 1984, despite the repugnant main character, style, and setting, which I equate with this. I wonder if it has to do with growing up in the 1980s?
In yarn news, I've got several finished objects to share in a separate post. My goal is to work down my yarn stash to nothing by the end of 2026. Two years is enough time, right?
*milk warmed and sweetened with honey, a dash of vanilla and cinnamon
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