The Timber Chute by Carl Larsson via via The snow and ice and illness this winter have forced us to revel in all sorts of indoor comforts. We've knitted, sewed, quilted, played games, listened to all sorts of audiobooks, and had many a candlelit dinner. The kids have tromped through the snow and ice in our backyard and sipped hot vanilla* to warm their frigid hands. They've fallen through ice (to their knees), come home dripping and muddy, and dug tunnels in the snowplow drift in front. Little M's friend down the street has made a giant snowball he's trying to keep until May. I think it might last! And that the snow has melted, I have been checking our front beds to see if any of the hundreds of bulbs I planted last spring and fall are sending forth shoots. Today I saw the barest hint and did a little dance. It's been a long wintry winter! With Influenza A and Christmas and dance competitions and Influenza B and cozy time at home and ...