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I started walking last winter.  I'd finally gotten my footing after a whirlwind 2023, and walking on the trail near our house seemed like a good way to cope with new stress.  When the weather turned nicer, walking turned into running: slowly and small distances at first.  I had a few strained muscles and melted in the summer morning humidity, but I persisted, adding mileage and pushing myself to run further.  Eventually I stopped feeling each step and saying "just one more" to myself.   Running still feels like childbirth: the night before I dread it, while I'm running I feel like I'm going to die, and afterwards I think, That wasn't so bad.  I'd do that again . I use an app that logs all my times and distances; an unemotional lady tells me my splits at each half mile, which keeps me on pace no matter how emotional I'm feeling.  Running has been a Very Good Thing. The sun rises too late now for me to continue my rushed before-school runs, though.  And

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