
As my siblings and parents and husband and children will tell you, I am slightly scatterbrained and more than a little distractible.  Except when I am sewing, as I have recently discovered.  Hours can melt away while I am intent on finishing a sleeve or figuring out just how the diagram works.

One of the things I am most anticipating about my return to the States is pulling my machine out of the closet and stitching together the patterns I worked so hard at tracing today.  I am GEEKED, I tell you.  What's more, I am going to go home with cut fabric in my suitcase.  We aren't needing the queen-sized duvet cover anymore, so it's turning into several "muslins" for some new garments for me and Z.  All I will have to do is sew the pieces together.

p.s.  Happy Memorial Day!  Wish we were here celebrating.


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