υφἠ {ee-FEE} :: textured

Have you seen the Textured Knitted Triangle Shawl pattern?  I love it, and one day I'll get yarn to make one exactly like Orlane's, but for now using up my stash takes priority.  I had part of a skein and a unicorn tail of some lovely Tosh Merino Light leftover from my Chauncey Sweater, which was just the thing.  Here's my inspired version, which I call υφἠ, meaning "textured" in Greek.  I'm including the pattern below--I changed the texture stitch so that the two halves would be mirror images.  I hope the directions are clear. 

If you knit a shawl using the pattern, I'd love to see it!  Please comment below and link back to your version.  

Madelinetosh Tosh Merino Light, Colorway Whiskey Barrel
102 g

st: stitch
k: knit
p: purl
m1L: make 1 left
m1R: make 1 right
YO: yarnover
psso: pass slipped stitch over the knitted one and the YO
s1p: slip one purlwise

Cast on using the garter tab method:
Co 2
k 6 rows
at end of last row, do not turn 
k 2, pm, pick up three sts (in the bumps) along the long edge, pm, pick up two sts at the cast on edge
Here's a tutorial to help you visualize

First Section:

Begin texture stitch rows
ROW 1 (right side):
FIRST HALF: k2, [m1L] *s1p, k1, YO, psso* rep from * to center stitch, [m1R] and incorporate [m1R] into the last psso, p1 (center stitch)
SECOND HALF:  YO, [m1L], *s1p, YO, k1* rep from * to end, [m1R], k2

ROW 2 (wrong side):
FIRST HALF: k2, p1 *pass 1st st over next 2 on left needle,  p first 2 stitches on left needle (the ones you just passed over), and drop passed stitch off left needle* until center marker, p1 
SECOND HALF: p to marker, k2

Repeat 2 texture stitch rows 18 times

Second Section:

Row 1: k2, [m1L], k to marker, [m1R], k1,[m1L] k to marker, [m1R], k2
Row 2:  k2, p to last marker, k2
Row 3: k2, [m1L], k to marker, [m1R], k1,[m1L] k to marker, [m1R], k2
Row 4:  k2, p to last marker, k2
Row 5:k2, [m1L], k to marker, [m1R], k1,[m1L] k to marker, [m1R], k2
Row 6: k2, k to last marker, k2

Repeat rows 1-6 a total of 5 times, knit rows 1-5 once more

Third Section:

Knit the two rows of the textured stitch 10 times (20 rows total)

Fourth Section:

Knit rows 1-6 of the second section 3 times total, knit rows 1-5 once

Fifth Section:

Knit the two textured stitch rows three times


Knit garter stitch until you have just enough yarn left to bind off.  
Bind off using your favorite method, block, and enjoy!


  1. It's beautiful, Catherine! And the yarn is lovely -- it's perfect with your linen dress. You may just turn me into a shawl knitter... :-)


    1. Thank you, Shannon! I am, first and foremost, a shawl wearer. Knitting them just ensures I have something to snuggle in!



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