yarn along: august 2020

Joining Ginny

There's an embarrassingly long list of books that I'm currently reading, so I won't share them all.  Really, I'm mortified to have started so many books...and set them aside.  And I just keep ordering more to read.  Have you ever made one too many trips through the buffet line, and wound up with a plate so full of tempting items that you couldn't possibly finish? Somebody stop me, please.

I've almost finished the audible version of the Kristin Lavransdatter triology.  It has left me emotionally drained, holding in tears, and mourning for relationships, but in a good way.  This review articulates some of what I have observed in my reading, and why the book is so haunting.  Since Kristin and her family have left such an indelible mark on me, the actual, physical books were a library must.  So I ordered them.  I plan to begin them as soon as I finish the book I'm reading now (Spinsters in Jeopardy is delightful!)

In knitting news, I've reined in my projects.  This shawl, made from a discontinued yarn in my stash, I'll chat more about in a different post.  A couple of relatives have requested some handmade things, and I have a new niece or nephew coming in a few months. Baby knits are so fun! I'll share the gifts I make as they are passed to their recipients.  Currently, there's a pair of socks in the works.

What are you reading? Knitting? I'd love to see!

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  1. I'm there with you on the books--I don't know why I do that! I'm trying to be more disciplined, but man. Books are my kryptonite.

  2. The Kristin Lavransdatter trilogy is one of my most favorite fictional reads...I fail to adequately express what these books mean to me and caused me to see...inside myself. They are timeless!
    I bookmarked your review link and look forward to reading it thoroughly. I have also read Ida Elizabeth by Sigrid Undset, also excellent.
    And I am with you on reading several books at one time, yet maybe not as many as you are...I am currently reading three and itching for a fourth, but holding back!!!!

    1. Kristin Lavransdatter has replaced Bleak House as my favorite book. You hit the nail on the head—the books reflect myself to me. And with such a sense of hope, even if the revelations are uncomfortable! I need to read Undset’s other books!


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