Book Poor, part 12

I recently received an email asking if the following book, pictured in the stack of books here, was a hint that we're expecting the fourth little plexichild.*  The real reasons I added this book to my Amazon wish list are the dress on the cover, the quilt draped over the crib, and the pants pictured below.   I also highly respect the author, Anna Maria Horner, who happens to be a talented fabric designer, a practicing Orthodox Christian, and a Nashville resident.  B and I could have accidentally bumped into her at church when we lived there!

I am really excited to make the maternity dress because the pattern is modest, as in covering my knees. When I was pregnant with T, I was astounded that the only dresses I could find barely covered my thighs.  Let's face it, the changes that pregnancy wreaks causes on my body are miraculous and beautiful, but that doesn't mean the whole world wants to see my thighs! Also, the dress can be adapted for non-maternity wear.  I can't wait to make a non-pregnant version as a dry run.

The above pants are reversible.  And adorable.  And the pattern comes in lots of sizes.

*For those who are interested, we're not.  At least to my knowledge.   While we would welcome our fourth child with joy, B and I are growing another kind of baby: his dissertation.  Of course the last time I said that was in October 2009.  T was born in June of 2010.  You do the math.


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