Christmas isn't Christmas until...

...someone gets sick.  In our nine years of marriage, B and I have spent only two totally healthy Christmas vacations: our first, and last year.  Some years have been worse than others.  None will forget the Great Rotavirus Plague of 2008.  It laid out sixteen family members in a two week period--everyone but my mother-in-law.  We're still trying to figure out how you dodged that bullet, Nana.

This year, when we'd had nothing more sinister than head colds by New Year's Day, I started to breathe a sigh of relief.  Alas! it was too soon.

T developed what promises to be a doozy of a stomach bug yesterday; B and Z are complaining of stomachaches.  I am thankful that we held off the disease for B's parents' visit.  We had a wonderful time sightseeing, relaxing, and playing, with nary a hiccup.  Nana and Papa are winging their way home from their stay with us as I write, and I pray that any bug they get also waits to present itself.

We'll stay close to home today, despite it being the Forefeast of Theophany.  Hopefully I'll have a chance to work a little on my knitting.  On my way to the store to add to my cracker/broth/ginger ale stockpile this morning, I passed a few groups of carolers.  We're glad that someone is enjoying the holiday!


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